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Ice doesn’t stop these ladies in Harbin, China. – Winter is almost here, and the mornings are getting colder ~ when it’s colder, for many people, it’s harder to stay motivated about health and fitness!! Many take on a “winter hibernation” mentality: we eat more and do less! But we are not bears; we don’t need layers of fat or endless inactivity. Winter can bring cold mornings; sometimes, these produce the nicest days. Prepare now and boost your immune system. Keep active but avoid strain, illnesses, the blues and isolation with Tai Chi and Qigong.

Why ‘move it’?

Exercise in winter can provide more benefits than exercise during the rest of the year because it specifically answers our winter body needs. Here are some great reasons to keep (or start) moving when the temperature drops.

1. The sun is gentler

Sometimes called the sunshine vitamin. Not many foods can provide vitamin D, the easiest source is from exposure of skin to sunlight.

In winter, sunshine can be harder to come by, especially if you are snuggled up indoors. So that’s why it’s VERY important to get outside and get moving and smile at the sun!

Sunshine helps make our bones strong and helps to keeps our immune systems strong. It can also boost your mood.

The ancient Daoist Monks practised exposure to the sun as part of their healthy aging regimen. They believed the early morning sun rays just after sunrise were the most beneficial, especially to shine on the eyelids. This is easier in winter, with the later sunrise and feels good too on a cool morning. Interestingly, they (men and women) carried umbrellas to protect themselves from the strong sunlight in the middle of the day.

2. Warm up from the inside out

Save electricity by warming your body naturally with activity. During an exercise or movement session, the rise in your body temperature has a soothing, calming effect, like a warm bath.

Yes, it may be cold when you first step outside, but if you wear layers and get moving, you will be warmer in no time at all!

3. Stay healthy

Research has shown time, and again that regular exercise strengthens your immune system to fight off bacterial and viral infections. This becomes particularly important in winter when colds and flu are more prevalent.

When you exercise your immune cells circulate throughout your body more quickly, helping them find and destroy any infections. This peak boost only lasts for a few hours, therefor exercise needs to be regular for long-lasting effects – so come to the park for one of our regular free or low-cost Tai Chi Qigong sessions!

4. Beat the winter blues

A movement session gives you a break from the daily routine and helps ease depression. Plus, if you combine exercise with the great outdoors, you can cheer yourself up even more!

We know that during and after exercise, the brain releases more of the “feel-good” chemicals oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine, which help reduce anxiety and depression while boosting wellbeing.

You CAN change your whole outlook on winter!!

5. Take a deep breath

Being cooped up indoors with the windows closed means less fresh air in winter! Generally, the air outside is healthier than inside, so going for a walk or movement session outside gives you a chance to breathe deeply ~ away from other people’s bugs (at home or from the office!)

6. Avoid winter weight gain

It is easy to turn to comfort food in the colder months because it can be satisfying. It might make us feel good for a while; then, we feel guilty. On average people puts on up to 4 kg over the winter months! Exercise to help balance your energy in and energy out, and you will be able to maintain your health and vitality all year round!

We hope you are now inspired ~ stand up, go out and get moving. If you are looking for a bit of motivation and interaction with other like-minded people in these winter weeks, join us for a feel-great session soon.

Picture Caption: Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. With an outdoor temperature of -14° C, swimmers had to break the ice before jumping into the river. However, the swimmers believe the cold can increase blood circulation and is good for overall health.

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>>Read more about Winter Exercise click here


Rod Ferguson

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